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Date : 2017-05-10
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Design for Behavioral and Mental Health More Than Just ~ In short designing the hospital to promote the psychological wellbeing of those with behavioral and mental health conditions is the right thing to do A major barrier to this kind of design improvement is that the proportion of patients with behavioral and mental health comorbidities is perceived as small which makes the business case look poor
Design for Mental and Behavioral Health AIAU ~ Become acquainted with a pretested survey tool for evaluating mental and behavioral health facilities Gain insight into pressing issues in mental and behavioral health design and use this information to set priorities where constructions budgets are limited
Behavioral health design HFM ~ The trend in behavioral health design is toward the use of brighter more optimistic color palettes and away from those that are more neutral There have been studies that indicate that the use of realistic art can be beneficial in behavioral health settings to reduce patient anxiety and agitation
STRATEGIC FACILITY DESIGN FOR MENTAL BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ~ Design for Mental and Behavioral Health Keynote Mardelle McCuskey Shepley Cornell University The lack of attention for behavioral and mental health treatment options is a serious concern Mardelle McCuskey Shepley and her team inspired optimism that developments in genetics patient participation guideline development and public awareness
Design recommendations for behavioral health outpatient ~ Coordinated care is expanding as an approach to treating behavioral health patients and to the design of outpatient behavioral health practices as well A perfect example of this trend is the recent project undertaken by Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services a behavioral health organization in West Michigan
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DESIGN GUIDE ~ Behavioral Health Design Guide Edition 74– November 2018 8 A WORD FROM BHFC While The Design Guide for the Built Environment of Behavioral Health Facilities Design Guide addresses the built environment for adult inpatient behavioral health care units and remains coauthored by James M Hunt AIA president of Behavioral
HCD Mag ~ HGA has designed behavioral health facilities across the country—including several mental health units within hospitals and numerous addiction treatment facilities—and has identified six approaches that not only help reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues but also fully address the needs of patients’ physical and mental wellbeing
Behavioral Health Healthcare Design Magazine HCD ~ From psychiatric emergency department to medical office design the magazine and website focus on design strategies technology applications new safety products and international design trends that collectively support safe and healing environments for behavioral health patients their family members and facility staffs
Behavioral Health Design Guide FGI ~ Baseline or fundamental requirements for designing behavioral health facilities appear in the FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction documents The Design Guide provides much more detail and best practices for protecting patients and staff as identified through the authors’ years of practice in the field
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